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Welcome to the Enfield Rotary Club!

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Mondays at 5:30 p.m.
Powder Hollow Brewery
504 Hazard Ave
Enfield, CT 06082
United States
The Club meets on the first and third Monday of every month.
Home Page Stories
President Aimee rang the bell to start the meeting at 5:30ish.
Mary Arcouette led us in the Pledge of Allegiance
Joe Muller prompted us on the 4-way test.
Kevin Mayo recited grace.
President Aimee provided updates on Milt Rosenberg's Enfield Safe Harbor Challenge. Milt Rosenberg presented the Club with a challenge last meeting to raise money for the Enfield Safe Harbor warming center. Milt and Rita will match up to $500 in donations from club members for the warming center. The Club has received pledges for $320 to this point. The Board voted to also contribute $500 towards Safe Harbor. You can mail a check to our PO Box or plan on being at the next meeting to donate in person. Thanks to everyone who has donated.
A reminder that our monthly service project at Enfield Loaves and Fishes is Saturday February 1st at 9:30. A sign-up email will be sent.
The Rotary Peace Pole project is moving forward.
The monthly Breakfast meeting will be held the Friday 8 AM at the Country Diner.
The highlight of our Happy Sad Dollars was that Joe and Amy announced their wedding date is set for May 31st.
The Queen of Hearts drawing will be $85 next meeting.
President Aimee drew the Ace of Clubs
Joe Fallon won the $10.00
Joe and Amy won the $5.00 almost enough to cover the wedding.
History Mystery:
  1. January 20th, 1882, on that date what game was played for the very first time. Jo Ann Walk was first with the correct answer basketball.
  2. Who created it and where was it played? We had to split this one up Jo Ann Walk knew it was Dr Naismith and Kevin knew that it was the Springfield YMCA which is now Springfield College.
  3. What was the final score? No one was able to get the answer of 1-0.
Next meeting February 3rd 5:30 at Powder Hollow Brewing
The Enfield Rotary Memorial Scholarship Foundation, Inc., is offering multiple scholarships to college students.
The T. Tenerowicz Medical Award for $2,000 will be presented to a student who is enrolled in medical school to become a doctor, physician's assistant or nurse. Students must have attended school in Enfield or lived in Enfield to be eligible. 

There is no age limit for applicants.

The Foundation is also offering scholarships to college students from Enfield who are in their their junior or senior year in 2024, beginning or continuing post-graduate education, or entering their third or later year of post-high school education in an accredited institution.

There is no age limit for applicants. Selection criteria include factors such as financial need, self-help activities, academic achievement, and extra-curricular activities. 

The application deadline is February 28, 2025. Recipients will be notified in April and the scholarships will be presented at a Rotary luncheon in June.

Applications are located on the front page of the club's website under Downloads. 

Enfield Rotarians gathered 10/26 at Enfield Loaves and Fishes. They prepared an amazing feast of eggs, bacon, roasted potatoes, salads and desserts and served it to our community. It was such a great time with friends and lots of laugher and joy was shared. Rotarians love making the world a better place. Smiles all around! If you would like to join us we would love to have you!
Team Depot, The Home Depot’s associate volunteer force partnered with Enfield Rotarians, Enfield Food Shelf personnel, Enfield Garden Club members, Greater Enfield Kiwanis, community volunteers, and Enfield Senior Center personnel to lay out and install a drip irrigation system to provide water more efficiently to the entire 2-acre Common Grounds Rotary Garden and increase yields that are donated to the Enfield Food Shelf.
Volunteers worked with UCONN master gardeners, who designed the system and oversaw the project for the season. Supplies for the irrigation project were purchased through a Home Depot Foundation grant. The Enfield Garden Club paid for the lime that was also spread that day by the group of volunteers. Home Depot Foundation also paid for the delivery of lime and materials to the garden.
The Common Grounds Rotary Garden is located behind the Enfield Senior Center. 
The Rotary Club of Enfield will honor Rotarian Joe Muller, North Central Connecticut Chamber of Commerce President Linda Cote, Philanthropist Kari Monteforte, and donor honoree Attorney Richard Tatoian on Wednesday, October 23 with the Paul Harris Recognition.
Please Join us Aug 19, 2024 @ 5:30PM at ERFC 174 South Rd Enfield, CT to pack backpacks with school supplies for local Students.  Rotary is donating 100 backpacks and some school supplies. Can't wait to see you all!!
9/21/24 Enfield Rotarians gathered with other surrounding Rotary clubs to participate in the Annual Food Packaging project.  With the help of Enfield Rotarians, we raised $1600 and were able to make 4320 meals for the Enfield Community. Joe Muller and President Aimee Nieroda distributed 20 boxes between Asnuntuck Pantry, Enfield Loaves and Fishes and Enfield Food Shelf. Great Work Enfield!
 Enfield’s Rotary Memorial Scholarship Foundation honored the accomplishments of 10 college students from Enfield. The Foundation awarded a total of $12,000 in scholarships to students who have completed at least two years of post secondary education.
Congratulations to recipients Alicia St. Peter, Grace Farris, Sydney Hamre, Sydney Ball, Aislin Farris, Jaymes Bachand, Dylan Lawson, Samantha Ceniglio, Audra Sferrazza and Kaylee Hunt.
Thank you to the scholarship committee and Foundation Co-Presidents Milt Rosenberg and Mary Arcouette for their work with this evening!
Want to make a donation? Send donations to Enfield Rotary Memorial Scholarship Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 1, Enfield, CT 06083. Have questions? Contact Milt Rosenberg at 860-883-7520.
The Rotary Club of Enfield also installed its new President. President Julie Cotnoir passed the gavel to Aimee Nieroda.
See more photos from the evening on the club's Facebook page (
The Rotary Club of Enfield is pleased to announce our annual “Cinco K Mayo” 5K Charity
Run/Walk on Saturday, May 4, 2024. With your help, Enfield Rotary Club members make a
difference in the lives of many families and individuals in our community.

Proceeds will benefit the Rotary Club of Enfield Charitable Fund, Inc., and will fund two $1,000
scholarships to be presented to seniors graduating from Enfield High School in 2024 who
exemplify the attributes of Rotary’s Four-Way Test.
Other projects supported by the Charitable Fund include:
• Enfield Police Toy for Joy Drive
• Enfield Food Shelf
• Loaves & Fishes Soup Kitchen
• Common Grounds Rotary Garden at the Enfield Senior Center
• Safe Harbor Warming Center
• The Network Against Domestic Abuse

Available sponsorships include Event ($1,500 Limit Two), Elite ($1,000), Advanced ($500),
Intermediate ($250) and Beginner ($100). Details on pricing and benefits are included on the attached
form. In-kind donations of supplies and/or volunteer assistance are also greatly appreciated.

For Cinco K Mayo sponsorship, donation, and volunteer information, please email
Want to register for the run/walk? Visit
For more information about the Rotary Club of Enfield, please visit 
The Rotary Club of Enfield was pleased to welcome Lorraine Creedon from the Enfield Safe Harbor Warming Center to its meeting today. The club, its members, new member Bob Stern donating funds designated to him for a new member project, and member Milt Rosenberg matching his challenge amount of $500, contributed a total of $1, 538 to the center. Members also donated paper goods to be used by the center's guests.
Want to help your community? Come to the club's next meeting on Wednesday, February 7th at 12:15 p.m. in Asnuntuck's Conference Center.
The Rotary Club of Enfield was happy to be able to continue their longstanding tradition of donating toys to The Enfield Police Department's Toys for Joy campaign. The club's members have been donating toys for 42 years!
Last month the Club also donated $500 in honor of the Enfield Police Department's No Shave November fundraiser benefiting the CT Cancer Foundation.
Officer Paul Dubiel, who organizes the drive for the department, spoke to the club during their recent meeting.
The Enfield Rotary Memorial Scholarship Foundation, Inc., is offering the T. Tenerowicz Medical Award for $2,000 to a student who is enrolled in medical school to become a doctor, physician assistant or nurse. Students must have attended school in Enfield or lived in Enfield to be eligible. 

There is no age limit for applicants.

The application deadline is February 28, 2024. Recipients will be notified in April and the scholarships will be presented at a Rotary luncheon in June.

Visit for application.

The Enfield Rotary Memorial Scholarship Foundation, Inc., is offering scholarships to college students from Enfield who will be entering their junior or senior year in 2024, beginning or continuing post-graduate education, or entering their third or later year of post-high school education in an accredited institution.

There is no age limit for applicants. Selection criteria include factors such as financial need, self-help activities, academic achievement, and extra-curricular activities. Copy link into your browser to see the application:

The application deadline is February 28, 2024. Recipients will be notified in April and the scholarships will be presented at a Rotary luncheon in June.

Rotary Club of Enfield was proud to welcome Enfield Allied Stars local coordinator Michael Vignone and program athlete Logan Rosenberg to their meeting today.
Logan spoke to the group about her experiences as a three sport athlete with Special Olympics. There are 44 athletes in Enfield who participate as members of the Enfield All Stars teams.
They accepted a $1,500 check from Club President Julie Cotnoir from the  club. The club also donated a book “More Alike Than Different” by David Egan to the Enfield Public Library in honor of Enfield Allied Stars as part of the club’s ongoing literacy project.
Food was packed by Enfield CT Rotary Club members, volunteers and Rotarians from East Granby, Windsor, Windsor Locks and students from CREC Academy of Aerospace and Engineering and Windsor High School's ROTC group.
Enfield's Club delivered 275 pounds of apple cinnamon oatmeal to CT State Asnuntuck's Pantry(below) , Loaves and Fishes (above) and The Enfield Food Shelf (last photo).
New members to the Rotary Club of Enfield are given $500 to spend on a project or program that benefits the community. One of the club's new members Greg Mark donated his funds to the creation of a new sign for Allied's Attic. The sign and landscaping are a a result of various partnerships.
Seen at the unveiling are from left side side of the sign left to right, front row, Rotary Club of Enfield President Julie Cotnoir, Debbie Climan, (owner of Garden Solutions, donated her time and the material needed to landscape around the sign) and Manager of Allied's Attic Katie Devoe. Back row, Melissa Trzepacz, Allied’s Director of Vocational Services & DSS Service Coordination. Right side of sign, from left to right, front row, Allied's Attic staff Rachel and Enfield Rotarian Milton Rosenberg. Back row, Enfield Rotarian Jo Ann Walk, Executive Director for North Central CT Chamber of Commerce Karen Campbell,  Allied's Community Outreach Coordinator and New Enfield Rotarian Greg Mark.
*Not pictured Little John, Sign Factory and Justin from Johnny’s Road Side Market Garden, who provided the mums & pumpkins.
Allied's Attic is located at 294 George Washington Rd in Enfield. Photo by Connie Provencher.
Twenty-five Rotary Clubs in northern CT and Western MA (Rotary District 7890), including Enfield, have joined together to fund a project that will bring fresh drinking water, sanitation facilities and hygiene training to three needy communities in Guatemala.  Pictured below are Elin Lawrence, Enfield Rotarian Milt Rosenberg, Rotary District 7890 Governor Christine Burns and Manchester Rotarian and Project Chairman Rick Lawrence.
James Gannon a Boy Scout from Troop 819 and a student at CT State Asnuntuck refurbished and created two United States maps at area elementary schools as his Eagle Scout Project. The Rotary Club of Enfield assisted by making a $500 donation toward paint and materials needed for the project. 
The Rotary Club of Enfield continued its tradition of donating 100 backpacks to Educational Resources for Children's Backpack Collection. The club and Rotary District 7890 District Governor Christine Burns gathered together to pack those backpacks.
As part of the Club's ongoing literacy project the club donated the book Sustainable Homestead to the Enfield Public Library in Christine Burns' name. Rotary Club of Enfield Community Director Joe Muller presented her with the book.
The club meets on the first and third Wednesday at 12:15 p.m. at Asnuntuck Community College. 
Cinco K Mayo Race Website
Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding freeze

Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding

Korea-Japan friendship conference sparks dialogue

Rotary leaders from both countries reflect on the challenges and opportunities of peacebuilding across borders

A pioneer in Black horror fiction resurrects her uncle's history

Former Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar Tananarive Due, a pioneer in Black horror fiction, resurrects history of her forgotten uncle

The election observers

An election monitoring mission in Nigeria presents a pathway for peacebuilding

The disaster recovery playbook

After historic storms, Rotary clubs look to Florida’s hard-earned wisdom about disaster recovery efforts