President Aimee called the meeting to order by asking Milt Rosenberg to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Kevin Mayo kicked us off in the reciting of 4-way test followed by grace from Greg Stokes.
We had some more discussions around the Peace Pole project. If anyone would like to see a Peace Pole St. Andrews Episcopal Church 335 Longmeadow Street, Longmeadow, Mass has one displayed.
We had a low turnout at the Loaves and Fishes brunch this past Saturday. The club has committed to serving the first Saturday of every month, so keep your schedule open March 1st to have some fun while helping the community.
The club needs a Membership and Community board member. Aimee, Joe Muller or Kevin Mayo will be happy to explain what those vital roles entail.
Joe Muller went to Rotary Leadership Training.
We had 8 members at Rotary breakfast. Look for an email from Steve Damon next month to join in the fun.
The club has submitted two 4-way tests scholarships to be awarded to Class of 25 seniors at Enfield High.
Milt’s challenge for Enfield Safe Harbor raised $522. We reached Milt’s goal so with his $500 and the club’s $500 we will be donating $1522 to Safe Harbor. Thanks to Milt for the challenge and thanks to everyone who donated.
If you know a WW II , Korean or Vietnam era veteran that would like participate in please pas their information on to Milt.
The Queen of Hearts Drawing was $85.
Mike Emmons had the first choice and went with the $10
Jerry Bell drew the 2 diamonds leaving Scott Kaupin the chance to win the $5
The next meeting will be Feb 17th