President Aimee rang the bell to start the meeting at 5:30ish.
Mary Arcouette led us in the Pledge of Allegiance
Joe Muller prompted us on the 4-way test.
Kevin Mayo recited grace.
President Aimee provided updates on Milt Rosenberg's Enfield Safe Harbor Challenge. Milt Rosenberg presented the Club with a challenge last meeting to raise money for the Enfield Safe Harbor warming center. Milt and Rita will match up to $500 in donations from club members for the warming center. The Club has received pledges for $320 to this point. The Board voted to also contribute $500 towards Safe Harbor. You can mail a check to our PO Box or plan on being at the next meeting to donate in person. Thanks to everyone who has donated.
A reminder that our monthly service project at Enfield Loaves and Fishes is Saturday February 1st at 9:30. A sign-up email will be sent.
The Rotary Peace Pole project is moving forward.
The monthly Breakfast meeting will be held the Friday 8 AM at the Country Diner.
The highlight of our Happy Sad Dollars was that Joe and Amy announced their wedding date is set for May 31st.
The Queen of Hearts drawing will be $85 next meeting.
President Aimee drew the Ace of Clubs
Joe Fallon won the $10.00
Joe and Amy won the $5.00 almost enough to cover the wedding.
History Mystery:
- January 20th, 1882, on that date what game was played for the very first time. Jo Ann Walk was first with the correct answer basketball.
- Who created it and where was it played? We had to split this one up Jo Ann Walk knew it was Dr Naismith and Kevin knew that it was the Springfield YMCA which is now Springfield College.
- What was the final score? No one was able to get the answer of 1-0.
Next meeting February 3rd 5:30 at Powder Hollow Brewing