Enfield Rotary Spur
October 5, 2016
Our weekly Rotary Meeting started promptly at 12:15 pm.  President Greg led the opening ceremony calling on Damon for Pledge-of Allegiance,  Walk forFour-Way Test and Chris Leary for the Prayer.
Jason Neeley of the Enfield Library was our guest.
Sargeant-of-Arms Kevin oversaw Happy Dollars: Milt Rosen challenged the Club to raise funds for the Warming Center at Holy Trinity Church in Hazardville.  Milt put in $100 and Dick Stevens matched with $100 if the Club would donate at least $100 .   Individuals more than matched with another $223 making our funds raise on the spot a total of  $423 for the Warming Center.  More proof of the Good Deeds of Rotary!
Many Rotarians commented being happy for a very successful Wine Tasting and for the three new members being inducted on this day.
 Jerry Bell happy for his 27 years in Rotary and for upcoming trip to Hawaii.  Steve happy for his recent  trip to Switzerland and Austria. Sandy happy for her trip flying to Maine today with her son in the pilot seat.  Joyce happy for new program that provides coats that convert to sleeping bags for Vets.  Ed happy for the Dennys being safe in Myrtle Beach with the upcoming storm.  Kiran happy for upcoming Hartford Marathon and his run to raise money for Fight Against Cancer.  Chris Leary happy he is retiring from New Directions after 25 years on October 31.  Greg happy he is going on a trip to Nashville.
Joe's History Mystery:   A nationwide recall of Tylenol was issued on October 5, 1982.  Why was it issued?  Seven people from Chicago died from Tylenol laced with potassium cyanide.  What company issued the recall?  Johnson and Johnson.   Who was was convicted of extortion in this incident?  James W. Lewis.
Raffle:  Sandy did not draw the Queen of Hearts.  Greg got $10 and Kevin got $5.
Eric announced the Wine Tasting  gross income was $6525 and the net income was $6223.  Many Rotarians complimented Eric and Chris for the great job on the Wine Tasting.  It was a new Wine Tasting record for numbers attending and dollars raised.  Go Rotary!!  
Three new members were happily installed today.  They are: Julie Cotnoir whose sponsor is Sandy Zukowski, Catherine Williamson sponsored by Nick Deni and Keith Madore sponsored by Chris Casey. All received pins and Certificates. 
Our speaker of the day was Jill Osborn.  She is Chairperson and Organizer of the Jack-O-Lantern Festival.  This takes place on the Enfield Green on October 15 from 4-8 pm. It is their 16th year.  It is a great family event with over one thousand carved pumpkins being brought by school children and families.  There are games, hayrides, face painting, magicians, and a trick or treat tent.  They depend on sponsors at $300 each who showcase their goods and services.  Volunteers are also needed.  The Rotary Rotaract Club volunteers there every year.
Meeting Adjurned at 1:30 pm
Respectively Submitted,
Steve Damon