Spur                March 2, 2016
Pledge of Allegiance-  Jo Ann Walk
4 Way test- Chris Leary
Invocation- Greg Stokes
Presidents remarks- lots of guests today- all potential new Rotarians
Happy /sads/ bdays/anniversaries -
Adrian- no guest, pay a fine.
Chris Casey- reminder Asnuntuck Murder Mystery Mar 18 at Holiday Inn.
Lindsey- Tooth Fairy took son’s first tooth
Joyce- fishing trip; 39 degrees and six foot seas = no trip
Chris Leary happy see Cheryl re-connect with Rotary
Milt- auto accident
Nick- So Carolina bound
Joes History Mystery Minute-
Compromise of 1877 awarded 20 disputed electoral votes to which President?  Rutherford B Hayes    What candidate received highest popular vote in 1876 election?  Samuel Tilden  What post – Civil War policy ended as result of Compromise of 1877?  Southern Reconstruction 
Raffle Winners
Card-Chris Casey  King of Diamonds
$10-Sean Stevens
$5- Milt
Speaker-Pam Thornton and Jeremy Casey introduced to their new venture  a software start up Company- Network Net Worth. The software measures the value of connections made at networking type events. Ineresting concpt. It would be interesting to re-visit this down the road.
Club Announcements-Need help at Home Show Booth
Don’t forget dollars to Ed for Foundation.
Meeting Adjourned @ :