December 13, 2017
At 12:15 PM Carol Bohnet rang the bell and welcomed everyone.
Bill Squires led us in Saluting our Flag.
Carol Bohnet led us in the Four Way Test.
Greg Stokes said Grace.
Our two guests for the meeting, Willie Pedemonti and Paul Dubiel – both of the Enfield Police Department - led the group to the buffet table for lunch.
Sargent of Arms Jo Ann Walk collected Happy/Sad Dollars in support of the Enfield Police Department’s Toys for Joy Program.  Total funds raised equaled $136.
The Joe Fallon – History/Mystery Minute:
This date, 1887, Alvin Cullum York was born in a log cabin near Pall Mall, TN; the third of 11 children and raised by his mother to be a pacifist.  He was drafted into the Army at the age of 29, sent to France, and was awarded the Medal of Honor for gallantry.
  • What American General presented Sergeant York with his Medal of Honor?
    • John J. (Black Jack) Pershing
  • Who was the French military commander who devised the battle plan for the Muse-Argonne Offensive where York became a hero?
    • Marshal Ferdinand Foch
  • What was the name of the rifle that York used to overcome the German opposition and singlehandedly capture 129 prisoners?
    • The Enfield M 1917
  • Nick Deni won the $10
  • Jo Ann Walk won the $5
  • Kevin Mayo drew the 7-of-Diamonds on a $35 pot.
  • Carol Bohnet shared that –
    • Previous fundraising efforts provided $500 each to Loafs & Fishes and the Enfield Food Shelf.
    • The Board of Directors voted to award the Enfield Warming Center a $500 donation.
    •  The Board of Directors voted to terminate the Amber Alert Program due to rising program costs, limited interest, and an increase in competitive programs.
    • Annual Pancake Breakfast attendance was down due to weather but will still result in positive fund growth.  Total funds raised to be shared in the future.
  • Kevin Mayo advised that Rotary After 5 will be next Thursday, TBD.
  • Scott Kaupin provided a progress report on the up-coming Rotary Basketball Tournament noting that advertising was still $400 short of target.  (Nick Deni handicapped the field.) 
Willie Pedemonti and Paul Dubiel talked to Rotary about the Toys to Joy program.  This 50+ year-old program enables the Enfield Police Department to provide holiday presents for the Town’s less fortunate families. Estimated impact will be over a 1,000 toys handout to more than 400 families.  Willie & Paul encouraged everyone to participate in the Stuff-a-Cruiser event Saturday, December 16 at Target and donate their time in distribution of gifts on December 20 &21 at the old Broyhill location.
Carol Bohent adjourned the meeting at 1:25 PM.