Rotary Club of Enfield - Meeting of August 9, 2017
President Carol called the meeting to order promptly at 12:15 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Allyson Rodricks. The Four Way Test was
led by President Carol. The prayer was led by Chris Leary. We then sat
down for a delicious lunch of pork tenderloin, swordfish, salad,
broccoli, rice, and dessert.
President Carol called the meeting back to order at 12:40 p.m. There
were no special guests or visiting Rotarians.
- Sargeant at Arms JoAnn Walk reported that Lindsey Weber has a birthday
on August 10th, and that Sandy Zukowski has a Club Anniversary (15
years) on August 14th and that her spouse has a birthday too.
- JoAnn Walk - Golfed on Monday in the Rotary District Golf Tournament
and Larry Tracey made the newspaper.
- Rich Tkacz - Missed the meeting last week. Will have 'empty nest
syndrome' since his granddaughter flew to AZ, his two daughters are
leaving for vacation, and his wife and son are going to AZ as well. His
shoulder is back to 70%, but he cannot golf until next gold season.
- Chris Casey - The Asnuntuck Community College Golf Tournament went
well. She will be a guest bartender at Suffield Country Club with all
tips supporting The Network.
- Dick Stevens - Occupational therapy on his arm progressing well.
Jerry Bell - Visited with his father last weekend. His dog won 'Best in
Show' last weekend in Canada! The Enfield Rotary team placed 2nd in the
Rotary District Golf Tournament!
Chris Leary - Offered up an inspirational quote.
Julie Cotnoir - Participated in the 'Blitz Build' last week for the new
web site at ACC. Welcomed Ryan from ERfC.
Keith Madore - Participated in the 'Blitz Build' last week for the new
web site at ACC.
Joyce Keating - Happy for the Red Sox and she wore today the same jacket
she was wearing when sworn in as a Rotarian 30 years ago. Some fashion
never goes out of style!
Eric Moody - Thankful for Rich's Oil bailing out the Holiday Inn last
Bryan Chadkowski - Happy for his wife's birthday and that she landed a
new job. Sad that he got hit by a golf ball in the chest at a golf
outing supporting Enfield EMS.
Sandy Zukowski - Donated an Anniversary dollar. Happy that her son in
law is recuperating well from congestive heart failure back in May.
Milt Rosenberg - Grandson had his bar mitzvah Saturday, and then helped
his team win a baseball championship on Sunday by pitching well.
Nick Deni - 'Bubba the Dog' got hurt getting into a car, but Dr. Bell
took good care of him. This coming Tuesday he will be at Fenway to
cheer on his St. Louis Cardinals. Last Friday he attended a Cold Play
concert in Foxboro.
History Mystery Minute:
August 9, 1974:
Richard M. Nixon officially resigned as President of the United States
of America after giving a televised address from the Oval Office the
evening before Gerald Ford Succeeded him as President:
1. What was the name of the scandal that helped bring about his
- resignation?Watergate2. What past President did Nixon quote at length in his resignationspeech?President Theodore Roosevelt3. How many times was Nixon nominated to be President?FiveCards:$195 in the pot!#126 - Cheryl Leary - took the cards and pulled 8 of Hearts#140 - Jack Welch - $10#143 - Rich Tkacz - $5Announcements:President Carol:- Strategic Planning discussion was great last week and will continue.- Thank you letter received from Enfield Loaves & Fishes- Chris & Cheryl Leary were granted Senior Active Status.- The Scholarship Luncheon will be held next week.Eric Moody - He has available spots in a foursome in a golf tournamentnext week.Guest Speaker:President Carol introduced Ryan Obedzinski, Manager of CommunityEngagement & Partnerships, of Educational Resources for Children (ERfC).ERfC serves over 800 children in before and after school programming.ERfC sees the need for more engagement than the before and after schoolprograms, so they also offer Tonight in Thompsonville, Dinner at localelementary schools with their PTO's, and case management services. Theysponsor fourteen events throughout the year and serve over 18,000 meals.ERfC also provides the Summer Lunch Bunch for both children and theirparents. ERfC held their first Family Frisbee Jamboree at the EnfieldTown Green in June where Julie Cotnoir and Keith Madore provided thechild identification service. The Summer Escape Camp is being held atJohn F. Kennedy Middle School and has one week left in the summerprogram. Finally, the Backpack and School Supplies drive is runningwith distribution to be held on Friday, August 18th. The goal is tocollect 850 backpacks. The Rotary Club of Enfield has donated 100backpacks.The meeting was adjourned at 1:20 p.m.Respectfully submitted,Scott Kaupin, Guest Editor