SPUR April 20 2017
Enfield Rotary Spur
Wednesday: April 19, 2017
President Kevin Mayo opened the meeting promptly at 12:15 PM. All members present saluted the flag and then recited the Four Way Test. The invocation was offered by this kindly editor freshly in from journeys down south.
A delectable lunch provided by the Holiday Inn included such tasty items as chicken francaise, meat loaf in gravy, asparagus, potatoes, salad, and chocolate cake for dessert.
Brian C had many guests with him to hear the presentation by our speaker.
Sergeant at Arms, Milt Rosenberg, announced that Stu Barowsy and Kevin Mayo had a birthdays and Dick Stevens had a club anniversary (46 years a Rotarian) to celebrate this week.
Happy/Sad Dollars
- Milt was happy about “Dreams for Our Children’s Future.”
- Jim Kuhn was happy that he won the big pot in our raffle with the queen of hearts.
- Ed Palomba expressed his delight with having meat loaf for lunch.
- Bill Squire was happy with a recent checkup. All is reasonably ok but he is having some issues with eating matzos.
- Jerry B happy about going to Paris for a dog health convention.
- Nick D is happy about recent trip to South Carolina
- Joyce is getting ready for the Big Easy – a trip to New Orleans
- Julie C is happy about the Red Sox
- Keith survived the Easter holiday with his family and announced that Asnuntuck would like to host a Rotary meeting in the newly remodeled building once completed.
- Cheryl and Chris happy to be back – maybe depending on warmer weather coming soon to New England.
If I missed anyone, please accept humble apologies because I could not write that fast and attention was diverted at times.
Joyce - $10
Brian C- $5
Ryan - Card
Joe’s Mystery Minute
The revolutionary war battles of Lexington and Concord are commemorated on April 19th when “embattled farmers stood and fired the shot heard around the world.”
- What major sporting event is held every year on Patriot’s Day?
- The Boston Marathon
- What are the names of the two states that celebrate Patriot’s Day as a legal holiday?
- Massachusetts and Maine
- According to Ralph Waldo Emerson’s poem “Concord Hymn”, the shot heard around the world was fired in Concord, Massachusetts at what location?
- The North Bridge
Kevin Lembo, State Comptroller, gave a presentation on the financial and economic outlook for the state. He began by clarifying that the state budget is really composed of two major sections, namely, discretionary budget funds versus non-discretionary budget funds. He went on to explain that it is the pool of money in the discretionary side of the budget that funds most of our social services etc. He commented on how new legislators come to the capitol full of idealistic intent to achieve the goals of what was promised to constituents while running for elected office. They soon loon that their primary task is to cut expenses in the budget. Mr. Lembo also commented on how the state derived a 10-year plan to accommodate itself to the volatility of Wall Street (He said the state’s budget and economic success or lack of success is intimately connected to how Wall Street performs.) All in all, Mr. Lembo’s presentation was very enjoyable and he is an engaging speaker.