Jan 27 at 8:36 PM
Rotary Club of Enfield


January 27, 2016

President Nick rang the bell to start the meeting at 12:15 P.M. 
Pledge of Allegiance -- Lindsey Weber
4-Way Test -- Bill Squires
Invocation -- Greg Stokes

No guests today, except for our speakers (Susan Joyse is a Hartford Rotarian, a Fermi grad, and grew up in Hazardville; Kathy Noone lives in Broad Brook).

Birthday -- Jim Kuhn
Wedding Anniversary -- Dick and Gerry Berozsky
Rotary Anniversary -- Sandra Sergeant and Greg Stokes

History Minute (or two) -- Joe Fallon was not present (except in spirit), but Adrian Garcia Sega (as dutiful Sergeant at Arms) read his quiz questions (after touching the hermetically sealed envelope to his head -- shades of Karnak):

On January 27, 1785, this institution of higher learning was incorporated.  It claims to be America's oldest public university.

1.  What school is it?  

University of Georgia (Go Dawgs.)

2.  Two other schools also claim the designation of America's oldest public university.  Who are they?

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Go Tar Heels) and the College of William & Mary (Go Tribe).

3.  What school is clearly the oldest?

The College of William & Mary was chartered by Royal Decree in 1693.  It became a public institution after the Civil War.

Sergeant At Arms Adrian Garcia Sega fined anyone who was not wearing something with an animal on it or brought a stuffed animal, since St. Francis (for which the hospital and foundation was named) was the patron saint of animals and ecology.


Chris Leary -- corrected Adrian -- St. Francis Hospital was actually named for St. Francis de Sales, who was the patron saint of writers.  (No word as to whether Adrian fined himself, but other Rotarians who had no animals on them were still fined).

Adrian -- fined himself for having to leave early.

Kate Garvey -- no animals
Dave Drinan (glad to see you, Dave) -- his daughter-in-law, Kara Wolters, will be spotlighted in August on a TV show on TLC Network called "My Giant Life".  The film crew will follow Kara, Dave's son, Sean, and their family shortly for a few days.

Ed Palomba -- for Nick Deni's good news.

Joann Smith -- missed last week's meeting, and glad to hear the speakers.

Lou Bolduc, and Kiran Majmadur -- leaving early, and glad to see the speakers.

Jerry Bell -- late dollar, got to play two rounds of golf, and sorry to see UConn Athletic Director leaving for Univ. of Michigan.

Joyce Keating -- glad to hear speakers from St. Francis, happy with inner workings of both St. Francis and Johnson Memorial Hospitals and that they both passed their certification reviews.

Sandy Zukowski -- glad to hear speakers.

Bill Squires -- thanks to Nick and all the Rotarians for encouranging singing of National Anthem at meeting with UConn speaker; sang at Palestra before 9000 basketball fans; sad dollar for Patriots; Springsteen concert was postponed; and daughters walking in benefit for Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando, a favorite charity of Rotary Club of Dr. Phillips Citrus.

Nick Deni -- sad dollar for Patriots; no animals; will be a grandfather around middle of July, and is asking what he should be called.

Raffle jackpot was $345 -- Larry Tracey drew 4 of diamonds -- so jackpot climbs next week
Jerry Bell won $10
Dave Drinan won $5


President Nick presented a symbolic $1,000 check from the proceeds of the Rotary Holiday Girls' Basketball Classic to the Enfield High Girls' Basketball program Monday night.  Previously, Enfield's team beat Holyoke High, a top team in western Massachusetts, by twenty-five points.  Friday night, he will present a symbolic $1,000 check to the Fermi High Girls' Basketball program.  

Some Super Bowl pool spots are still available.  See President Nick to participate.

The meeting on Wednesday, March 2, will be Rotary Guest Day.  Please bring a guest who might be a candidate for Rotary membership.  Request cards are available.
We have raised $1,700 of the club's goal of $3,500 for the Rotary Foundation.  Nick hopes to have a speaker on the Foundation next month.

Carol Bohnet has been really active in keeping the Rotaract service group at Bay Path University going.  She also was interviewed in the Hartford Courant last week to promote the Rotary Summer Youth Exchange Program.  High school student participants and their families host another student participant from another country for a month during the summer.

Program:  Kiran Majmadur introduced Susan Joyse, Senior Development Officer, and Kathy Noone, Executive Director of Oncology, from Saint Francis Foundation and Hospital and Medical Center. Susan mentioned that Saint Francis Hospital was built in 1897 by the Sisters of St. Joseph to help tuberculosis patients, with a focus on compassion to help those in need.  Its annual revenues are over $806 million, and has treated over 130,000 patients each year.   Saint Francis has merged with Mount Sinai Hospital in Hartford and Johnson Memorial Hospital in Stafford Springs, and recently became part of Trinity Health (which includes mercy Hospital in Springfield) with eighty hospitals in twenty-one states.  Patients are part of the decision for their care.  Special events raise over $8,200,000 annually; and there is a $10,000,000 goal to raise money for a new cancer facility.  Kathy talked about her decision to move here to work at Saint Francis, impressed by the interaction among the staff and came because the focus on clinical care for patients is compassion.  A nurse for twenty years and an open heart nurse for ten years, she returned to oncology because she missed the people.  She is committed to make a difference, as are all of the staff there, and passionately wants patients to feel hope.  Thus, she hopes to improve the environment of treatment by altering the logistics of each room and having a treatment facility at each hospital to make it easier for patients to travel for critical care.  An impressive and heartwarming presentation.

Quote for the Week (from Mother Teresa):  "We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean.  But if that drop were not there, I think the ocean would be less by that missing drop."

Have a great week.

Yours in Rotary, Bill Squires (who knows he should have taken that high school shorthand course)