Team Depot, The Home Depot’s associate volunteer force partnered with Enfield Rotarians, Enfield Food Shelf personnel, Enfield Garden Club members, Greater Enfield Kiwanis, community volunteers, and Enfield Senior Center personnel to lay out and install a drip irrigation system to provide water more efficiently to the entire 2-acre Common Grounds Rotary Garden and increase yields that are donated to the Enfield Food Shelf.
Volunteers worked with UCONN master gardeners, who designed the system and oversaw the project for the season. Supplies for the irrigation project were purchased through a Home Depot Foundation grant. The Enfield Garden Club paid for the lime that was also spread that day by the group of volunteers. Home Depot Foundation also paid for the delivery of lime and materials to the garden.
The Common Grounds Rotary Garden is located behind the Enfield Senior Center.