Joe Fallon Pledge
Bill Squires 4 way test
Rev. Stokes Grace

Birthdays and anniversaries
Milt  Spouse birthday
Sandy Zukowski Wedding Anniversary 47 years

Happy / Sads
Kevin Mayo  Happy weekend away and a Red Sox game
Ed Palomba Happy Brother and 5 dogs moved to Somers also enjoyed the meatloaf
Mike Helechu looking for donations to Allied's Attic
Bill Squires  Celebrated Passover and sad Springfield Falcons are moving
Nick Deni  Happy for the Playground Path Project
                Lisa is out of town  he is looking for dinner
                Son was bowling with Jordan Spieth and Ricky Fowler

Joe Fallon History Mystery Minute

April 20, 2010
A drilling rig explosion took place in the Gulf of Mexico on a rig leased by British Petroleum.

What was the name of the drilling rig?
    Deepwater Horizon

What company built the oil rig Deepwater Horizon?
    Hyundai Heavy Industries.

Deepwater Horizon now rests how many feet under the surface of the Gulf of Mexico?
    Approximately 5000 feet.

Larry Tracey $10.00
Scott Kaupin $5.00
Derick Meade  4 of Diamonds

No program today.

Nicked thanked everyone for their hard work on the walking path and said we will receive a $3000.00 grant from
the District